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How to Improve Your GMAT Score

Are you getting ready to apply for an Anderson MBA or master’s program? If you’ve searched for GMAT preparation, you were likely inundated with a variety of recommended tools, materials, apps and more. Any successful plan should be customized to your strengths and weaknesses. So, where do you start? Here are a few reliable strategies to improve that score.

Take a practice test

This is an essential step in gauging your strengths and weaknesses before taking the exam. It shows you the format, the time structure, and the style of questioning.

Testing takes mental and physical stamina. Build it up with practice!

Here are a few recommended sites:

- has two free practice tests and a mini quiz.

- Manhattan Review’s GMAT practice questions are free and include detailed solutions.

Pace yourself

Effective time management is crucial to your success on any timed exam, in both the amount of time you take to prepare for the exam and the time devoted by section of the exam.

Quantitative questions should take about two minutes per question. You want to stay close to this timeframe.

Review math and analytical text

The GMAT quantitative section includes trigonometry, statistics, algebra, geometry and probability. You may not have taken these subjects since high school. GMAT quantitative questions test you on simple concepts but in complex ways, and you must be prepared to draw on those concepts in the moment.

The GMAT verbal section asks you to read and analyze short and long complex passages, so reading articles outside your industry may help you better comprehend vocabulary relevant to the GMAT verbal section.

Know what makes up the score

The GMAT test has four sections: quantitative reasoning, verbal reasoning, integrated reasoning and analytical writing assessment. Anderson School of Management doesn’t require the integrated reasoning section or written essays in our admission requirements. The score, out of 800, comes from your quantitative and verbal sections only. Be sure to conquer those sections.

What did you learn?

To achieve your highest GMAT score, choose a plan of study and course of action that is specific to your needs and aspirations.

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