
Department of Management faculty leads research on new methods for responsible and inclusive business practices.

We offer various online and in-person programs: from a BBA in human resources and leadership management studies to an MBA in human resources management and organizational behavior. Each program has a dynamic curriculum integrating the latest human resources theories and practices.

You’ll learn about industry-leading business strategies, how organizations can be better stewards of the environment, how to analyze an organization's long-term goals, its impact on the community and strategies for managing employees.

Faculty Spotlight - Daniel Ravid


Hi, my name is Daniel Ravid and I am an assistant professor in the Management department. This semester I am teaching Management 306, Organizational Behavior and Diversity, and Management 466, which is Training and Development.

My research broadly explores the changing nature of work, and within that broad research program I primarily explore how organizations can effectively and ethically integrate emerging technologies in the workplace, and how we can prepare people for the jobs that are going to be open in the future.

Well, I chose Anderson for a couple reasons. One reason was because of the warm and welcoming culture among faculty here; everyone's really friendly and happy to reach out. The second reason was because of the diversity of backgrounds and experiences that students bring with them to the classroom. It really enriches class discussion and learning, and keeps my research relevant as the workplace continues to reflect this diversity of experiences.

I'm excited to get to know the local businesses here and all the restaurants and breweries, and also excited to get out in nature and experience all that New Mexico has to offer outdoors. I also might try to finally take up skiing this year with Santa Fe so close by.