Guidelines Around Professional and Ethical Conduct

Updated as of September 2024

The Anderson School of Management is committed to maintaining an expectation of high-level professionalism and integrity in all that we do. Two core values, professionalism and integrity, are the cornerstones of the Anderson School Guidelines Around Professional and Ethical Conduct. All Anderson students enrolled in the Anderson School, as well as Anderson faculty and staff, pledge to uphold these values.

Anderson School of Management constructed guidelines around conduct to encourage the development and growth of a professional community. The guidelines and practices detailed here serve to remind us of a way to pursue a high standard of professional and ethical conduct. This code should serve as a means to engage with one another about professional behavior. The spirit of this policy is to enhance productive and constructive interactions among all members of the UNM Anderson community. We expect all members to adhere to this policy in order to foster professional communication across campus.

Cultivating Compassion and Respect

UNM Anderson asks its community members to be compassionate, respectful, and culturally aware in their communication and behavior with one another. UNM Anderson is proud to maintain a diverse and international community, a characteristic that should be reflected in how we communicate with each other.

The UNM Division for Equity and Inclusion offers a list of trainings available to the campus community, including biases, intersectionality, and responsible leadership. In addition, the UNM School of Law produced an educational series on preventing microaggressions that provides excellent practical advice on how we can each play a positive role in cultivating a compassionate and respectful environment for all of our community members. We encourage everyone to engage with these materials and be an active partner in the creating an Anderson that is welcoming to all.

Professionalism Expectations – Students

A career in business is a professional career, involving all aspects of behavior as well as interactions with others. As an Anderson student, it is expected that the student represents the school at every level and both in and out of the classroom (through internships, meetings, student groups, and other activities). Professionals pay attention to one another, listen, and actively engage in discussions during meetings and gatherings. They work towards a goal and avoid being distracted or working off task. Anderson students maintain this standard during class sessions and in meetings outside of class. Training for Anderson students is available here.

Students are expected to act professionally in all Anderson courses, in their contact with faculty members, fellow students and University personnel. Faculty and staff members of the Anderson School are dedicated to helping students achieve their professional career goals. To accomplish this, it is essential that students respect each other’s right to pursue their education in the most beneficial atmosphere possible. All students are expected to adhere to the following standards of professional behavior.

In the classroom:

  • Arrive on time to class, prepared to engage in the day’s topics
  • Keep cell phones and other electronic devices turned off unless they are relevant to the class
  • Respect colleagues by refraining from disruptive behavior or engaging in non-class related activities during class session
  • Encourage and maintain civil and respectful conversations with the instructor and among other students
  • Treat classmates, the teaching assistant and professor with respect and courtesy at all times
  • Participate fully in all in-class activities as outlined in the instructor’s syllabus
  • Foster academic honesty

Outside the classroom:

  • Treat email correspondence as professional communication,
  • Be a responsible group member; attend group meetings and fully contribute to the group’s discussions, work products, and presentations,
  • Be respectful and gracious when a working professional takes time to interact with you both in and out of class,
  • Care for the integrity of Anderson physical buildings, resources, and technologies,
  • Honor all appointments, especially those with employers, advisors, faculty, and fellow students,
  • Foster research integrity and academic honesty.

As outlined in UNM’s policies, students should refrain from engaging in disrespectful, retaliatory, or disruptive behavior. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, behavior that can be reasonably viewed to have a negative impact on integrity of UNM Anderson faculty, staff, the education of students, or the conduct of research, such as:

Academic Conduct Expectations - Students

The University of New Mexico Student Code of Conduct specifies definitions and adjudication processes for academic misconduct and states, “Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in academic and professional matters” (Academic Dishonesty Policy).

The Anderson School endorses academic honesty as a pillar of integrity crucial to the academic institution. Academic honesty is an important step towards developing an ethical backbone needed in a professional career. Failure to practice academic honesty is considered academic misconduct and will be penalized. Students are expected to:

  • Be knowledgeable of activities that are considered academic misconduct, as defined in the Academic Dishonesty section of the UNM Student Code of Conduct,
  • Practice academic honesty on all exams, quizzes, homework, in-class assignments, and all other activities that are part of the academic component of a course,
  • Encourage other students to do the same.

Confusion may arise in what is and is not academic misconduct. Students should ask their instructor if they are unsure if a behavior will be viewed as academic misconduct. A good rule of thumb is that any credit-earning activity in a course should represent the true skills and ability of the person receiving the credit. Cases of research misconduct are investigated by UNM’s Office of the Vice President for Research and guided by Faculty Policy E40

A partial list of situations that are considered academic misconduct includes:

  • Plagiarism – using another’s words, ideas, data, or materials and representing them as your own. This includes lifting anything from the Internet and embedding it in your work without proper citation of the source. It also includes using your own work previously graded for another class, unless explicitly permitted to do so by the current course instructor.
  • Cheating on an Academic Exercise, including:
    • using a source that the instructor did not explicitly authorize, regardless of how you came across the source
    • using solutions manuals, test banks, graded material from another semester, information from another student (with or without their consent), and online essays or analyses (free or purchased)
    • sharing information about exam content with a student who has not yet taken the exam
    • removing exams from the room without authorization
    • consulting any unauthorized source during an exam, such as a cell phone, notes, the Internet, or another student’s paper
    • receiving assistance on an academic exercise without instructor permission.
  • Improper Influence – calculating to influence the instructor to assign a grade other than the grade actually earned. This includes lying to the instructor in pursuit of extensions, leniency, or grade alterations.
  • Facilitating Academic Dishonesty – knowingly helping another person engage in academic misconduct.

Professionalism Expectations – Faculty

All faculty should be aware of and follow Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines as it relates to student data. For more information, please review the UNM Registrar’s FERPA policy website as well as the AACRAO FERPA Training for UNM Personnel available on UNM Learning Central.

Likewise, faculty are expected to act professionally, have a deep interest in students’ progress and welfare, and provide effective instruction. Faculty strive to fulfill their professional obligations by having enthusiasm for their fields and creating an environment that stimulates imaginative thinking. Faculty will maintain a responsible, professional relationship with the student. All faculty are expected to adhere to the following standards of professional behavior.

In the classroom:

  • Arrive on time to class, prepared to engage in the day’s topics
  • Share knowledge and expertise openly and respectfully, with the goal of promoting student learning and professional development
  • Encourage and maintain civil and respectful conversations amongst yourself, staff, and your students
  • Treat all students fairly, ensuring equal application of class standards and requirements, and
  • Promote academic honesty

Outside the classroom:

  • Be available for posted office hours, unless changes to the hours are communicated to students,
  • Maintain adequate grade records for one academic term,
  • Counsel and advise students on their program of study and other academic matters,
  • Treat UNM email correspondence as professional communication,
  • Promote academic honesty, and
  • Build trust between Anderson and the community.

When reporting academic misconduct, all faculty should follow the UNM Pathfinder Process and reference Faculty Policies D175 (undergraduate students) and D176 (graduate students) and Faculty reporting events should document an occurrence on the Dean of Students’ faculty adjudication form. The faculty member should also report this matter to the office of the Dean of Students. Before sanctions are issued, please report all incidents around academic or professional misconduct to the Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning at UNM Anderson.

Professionalism Expectations – Staff

All staff should also be aware of and follow FERPA guidelines as it relates to student data. For more information, please review the UNM Registrar’s FERPA policy website as well as the AACRAO FERPA Training for UNM Personnel available on UNM Learning Central.

Staff are expected to provide consistent professional service to UNM Anderson. Staff should strive to fulfill their professional obligations to build professional relationships with all members of the UNM campus community. Staff should maintain responsible, professional relationships with other staff, students, and faculty, and are expected to adhere to the following standards of professional behavior:

  • Share information and expertise openly and respectfully, with the goal of promoting student learning and professional development
  • Treat others with impartiality, and provide fair access to educational benefits and opportunities for all students
  • Provide responsible stewardship over UNM Anderson physical propertand resources
  • Encourage and maintain civil and respectful conversations with other staff, faculty, and students
  • Maintain confidentiality by protecting the integrity and security of UNM Anderson information
  • Treat UNM email correspondence as professional communication, and
  • Provide diligence in supporting the vision and mission of UNM Anderson