UNM Anderson, CNM to Host COVID-19 Economic Forum
March 23, 2021 - Anna Dykeman
The Anderson School of Management at UNM and the School of Business and Information Technology at CNM have joined forces to organize an economic forum about COVID-19 and moving forward. The event takes place Friday, April 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and will be held virtually. The goal of the event is to have a day of sharing and discussion by businesses affected by the pandemic. Numerous public authorities including government and business leaders will participate in the discussions with an intention to identify best practices to help our state’s economy move forward stronger and more resilient as we emerge from the pandemic.
While the speakers will represent authorities and businesses, the community is encouraged to attend to contribute additional ideas and insight.
Before the forum, fact sheets and speaker cards will be developed to share additional content. After the forum, the organizers will circulate a memo highlighting the results and suggestions emerging from the forum, in order to contribute to the communal response to this crisis.
For more information, including the agenda and participating speakers and thought leaders, or to register, visit https://www.mgt.unm.edu/events/covid-19/.