UNM Anderson Students Take Second in SHRM Student Case Competition
April 12, 2021 - Anna Dykeman
A team of Anderson School of Management students placed second in the recent Utah Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) Case competition held March 27. Mike (Richard) Barela, Adam Crespin, Veronica Duarte, Aaron Ochoa, Wyatt Robledo and team leader Edith Linares Santillan attained runner-up honors in the graduate category.
This case competition was the first virtual event of its kind, and was also Anderson’s first participation in a HR student case competition among a pool of 60 participants and 14 teams. The competition previewed realistic job scenarios in which team members leveraged knowledge acquired through studies and applied it to a realistic HR situation likely to be encountered in the work world. Competing allowed teams to practice integrated HR thinking, ethical decision-making, and strong communication and presentation skills.
“The Anderson team’s fantastic results reinforce the excellence and talent of our human resources students,” said Michelle Arthur, department chair for organizational studies. “They all worked hard in a challenging year, showing great resilience and a growth mindset. Congratulations to all!”
For more information, contact Christopher Nguyen, Anderson Department of Organizational Studies, at cnguyen@unm.edu.